Have you ever had an idea so stupid, so absurd, so mad in its essence that it left you standing, shaking like a leaf in fear, cold and a pinch of rage at yourself in front of a water tap on a graveyard after nightfall?
Well, I did.
And I can’t recommend it.

This the beginning of the story I told at @TheBearBerlin Storytelling in September.
The theme of the night was “Water – Stories of Buoyancy”, and I told my story “When The Tap Runs Dry” less than a week after I’d returned from my Ultramarathon. Of course my story wasn’t the only one: I nearly keeled over with laughter at a story of an American man trying to murder a wasp in a dollop of whipped cream while trying not to let the Europeans next to him catch him doing so, was moved by a heartwarming anecdote featuring an exploding toilet (odd combo, but it worked!) and was stunned by a tale of water breaking – and the ensuing chaos in a hospital room.

If you’d like to hear these stories (and more!), why not check out the marvelous podcast production for @KCRWberlin by the absolutely charming and dedicated human that is @byscunningham? 🙂
Click below for the link to the podcast!