I wrote about the psychology of long endurance runs – but this post isn’t it.

I have something much more important to say and that is: thank you.
This year has been one hell of a ride. And it feels like it just isn’t getting any easier: The pairing of lockdown with its distinct notes of isolation, and winter darkness with its persistent stink of gloom, are enough to bring even the most cheerful people to their knees. Or back to bed. Napping is one common coping mechanism, and one that at least I, personally, cannot help but succumb to.
But you guys bring a light into my life, and I wanted to thank you for that. It was so easy to find energy to organize the #KingSnailRace. Energy that brought me out of bed again, helped me slip on my runners and get out there. It made me so happy to cheer you on (and tease the KingSnail @t_n_kohler). I loved reading the excited messages from racers, from the viewers, and from the racers-to-be. Yes, Racers-To-Be. Because there will be a second round. And a third. The King Snail race will return in the second week of each upcoming month till we have made it through the winter together. Because it may be hard to get out and run and move in these dark and lonely times – but just like we learned in the spring: it’s all a bit easier when we’re in this together.

Thank you to you all for being here with me. 🙂
PS: This blog was created after many, MANY #KingSnailRaces were run. These days, YOU can become a race director, too! Just click on the button below and find rules, templates and graphics to organize your own running event!