My brother and I officially set a new FKT: “In Ringbahn We trust”! And if that ain’t gonna strengthen the sibling bond, I don’t know what will. What I do know is that:
1) THIS IS THE MOST SNACK-ABLE FKT OF ALL BERLIN. I am serious. @theboywithnodestination and I took a 2.5hr aid station break for which I refuse to apologize for. And you shouldn’t complain about it either, because, at an FKT of 6hrs and 47min on a mainly flat 44K course, THIS IS EXTREMELY SNACKABLE. If our FKT survives even two consecutive weekends, I will be sorely disappointed in you, Berlin Running Community. 😀
2) This route gives an incredible overview of the architectural, societal and trash-laden features of each of the Berlin districts. It also gives you a better sense of what how of a role the Berlin wall played in shaping these districts (where the $$$ went and where the рубль … didn’t. ^^).

3) Never make the mistake of telling me “You’re the one person I would run a marathon with,” because I WILL hold you to your word. 😉 Love you, kiddo. Always have, always will. There’s no human on this planet I enjoy going wild with more than you. And I’m glad this surprise made you crack a grin this morning.

Now. Which one of YOU is going to crack our FKT? 😉
Get your GPX track details here at “In Ringbahn We Trust”